City Clear
Lead Testing Services
Licensed in the State of Ohio for Lead Clearance Examinations
(216) 484-4245
Results Back in 7 Days or Less!
Helping Real Estate Owners Ensure their Property is Lead Safe
Then you will need it checked for lead.
Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to clientele ranging from homeowners to landlords and commercial developers.
What is a Lead Clearance? A lead clearance is the process of visual inspecting and testing a property to determine risk of lead poisoning in a home.
Checking pre=1978 built buildings for lead is an Ohio initiative. The state aims to make residential properties and childcare centers lead Safe.
The City of Cleveland is requiring that all non-owner occupied real property that is being rented must receive a Lead Safe Certificate. In order to obtain the certificate, the property has to be tested.
Let CITY CLEAR Help Ensure
Your Property is LEAD SAFE
In testing your property, your Lead Clearance Technician will:
- Conduct a visual inspection of your property, checking for possible lead debris
- Collect lead dust samples from at least three room of your unit(s)
- Send samples to an EPA certified laboratory for testing
- Create a Lead Report
- Turnaround in seven (7) days or less.
Cost: $550 Per Unit
Enter code NEWCUSTOMER at checkout
Click on link to schedule testing
Federal and state law requires sellers and lessors of residential units constructed prior to 1978, except housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities (unless any child who is less than 6 years of age resides or is expected to reside in such housing) or any zero-bedroom dwelling to disclose and provide a copy of this report to new purchasers or lessees before they become obligated under a lease or sales contract. Property owners and sellers are also required to distribute an educational pamphlet approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and include standard warning language in or attached to lease contracts or sales contracts to ensure that parents have the information they need to protect children from lead-based paint hazards
“Études has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”
Shondra C. Longino
Certified Lead Clearance Technician
(216 484-4245